I used scrap booking paper, newspaper, and old wrapping paper for the decoupage part. In retrospect, maps would have been cool too. Mod-podge is my adhesive of choice.
I also used some stencils and just regular old painting in case you were wondering. The sky is the limit. As I was working on this, I really wanted to let it unfold in the present moment, in the lightest and most joyful way I could muster. No mulling or planning allowed! Just being. It felt really good and it still feels really good to me when I look at it. Tall ships have made appearances in my work in the past. I think they appeal to me as symbol of the soul with each sail unfurled representing a another lifetime. Each lifetime providing experiences that propel your "ship" across the multiverse. Each experience (no matter how "good" or "bad") adding more interest, beauty, and power to your voyage. Um, at least that's where I went with it.