
Friday, October 6, 2017

So apparently I'm really bad about keeping all my web platforms up to date...

I have been neglecting my blog...
It's just one of those things that got put on the back burner while I was doing "all the things".  So I will now attempt to catch you up on all the wondrous images I've been pumping out over the last 3 months (!), in convenient 5-6 image chunks over the next few weeks. Also, I have been posting all along on Facebook ( and on Instagram @zendances.  So if you want the latest as soon as it drops, these are the places to go.
In other exciting news,by request, I am now on Redbubble, a fabulous and high quality print on demand site. Check out my page: So, many of my designs can now be emblazoned on prints, cards, bags, phone cases, mini-skirts (!), t-shirts etc.

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